Practice Practice: Isa Rodriguez

Episode 1.1

The artist, Isa Rodriguez, stands in front of an apple tree in full bloom. The cloud of blossoms fills the space behind them. The sun shines warmly on the left side of their face and left shoulder.
Isa Rodriguez, Self Portrait with Apple Tree. Chicago, 2021.


In this episode

Dylan interviews their co-host, Isa Rodriguez.

⁠Isa Rodriguez⁠ is a Queer, Latinx artist and designer based in Oklahoma City. Their interactive projects present creativity as a technology for liberation.They have exhibited at the Visual Arts Center (ATX), the Mexican American Cultural Center (ATX), the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (South Korea), and the Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center (OKC). In 2021, they moved to Oklahoma City, where they co-founded Practice Practice with Dylan Cale Jones. Isa Rodriguez teaches at Studio School.


About the Practice Practice podcast

Practice Practice is created by Isa Rodriguez and Dylan Cale Jones. Season One of Practice Practice is funded by a THRIVE Grant from the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition and the Andy Warhol Foundation.